About Us

A little about "us"....

I'm Amanda. And that is my cat, Renegade.

For as long as I can remember, I've loved to create things with my hands.... Beautiful things. I've tried everything from drawing to sculpting, knitting to crocheting, photography to painting. I have had minor success with some of these mediums, and moderate success in others.

I'm constantly learning new ways to create: in recent months, I have taken up pour-painting, which I find incredibly cathartic and soothing. I have also converted my garage into a workshop to get into the business of wood refinishing.

My currently focus with this store is to promote my paintings. I work full-time, so I don't have enormous patience to devote to time-consuming projects such as my yarncraft. Painting is something that is quick to do (in the moment) and incredibly fulfilling. I love seeing the ways the colors blend and meld and merge, and I find the end results incredibly gratifying. 

I've named my store True Renegade as I've never been one to follow the leader. I don't mind following, but I do so on my own terms. I've endured many hardships in my life, things that most people are fortunate enough to never have to endure, but I keep on going. I have struggled with mental health issues for decades, physical impairments and disabilities that limit my ability to do basic human functions, and I have done my utmost to maintain my integrity and honesty in spite of these hardships. At the end of the day, all we can do is...

Keep moving forward.

I've had one heck of a year (I've had 4 different jobs due to getting new positions with varying companies!), moved into a beautiful new home, and gotten engaged to my sweet babe, Kevin. Here he is playing paddle guitar on the day he proposed to me at Bon Echo Provincial Park in Ontario. :) 

A little bit about my personality? I am a huge nerd, love geek things but am not overboard with fandoms and such. I love Game of Thrones and the books on which the series was based, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Marvel, DC, sci-fi and fantasy of all makes and models, Star Trek, The Princess Bride, and my favorite newish series of books is A Darker Shade of Magic by VE Schwab. I have been reading Stephen King novels since I was 12 years old, and consider him to be the utmost master when it comes to writing horror and whimsy (not all of his books are scary!). I am intensely passionate about animals and nature, and enjoy peace and solitude involving either one or both of these categories. I'm an extroverted introvert, so I can be quite outgoing, but I definitely enjoy my alone time (which is why painting appeals to me so much!).

Thanks for stopping by. :)